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ME Research Lab Tour -- Dr. Romero-Talamas

On Nov. 1, 2019, more than 40 ME undergraduate students gathered outside the research lab of Dr. Carlos Romero-Talamas, an Associate Professor of the ME department.  Dr. Romero gave a 20 minutes powerpoint presentation on the ongoing research projects in his lab.  He then led the tour of the lab and described major equipment.  During the tour, students asked many questions and inquired possible research opportunity in Dr. Romero's lab.  Based on the surveys given after the tour, 100% of the students are satisfied with the tour and they are interested in future tours of other research labs in the department. The ME S-STEM Scholarship Program sponsored this event and we are grateful to Dr. Romero for his time and help. 

Posted: November 4, 2019, 12:49 PM