Our 2nd Peer-Reviewed Journal Paper Is Published
Congratulation to the management team of the ME S-STEM Scholarship Program. A research article entitled "Evaluation of STEM engagement activities on the attitudes and perceptions of mechanical...
Posted: September 8, 2021, 1:05 PM
Have a good experience of working in industry -- Troy Baker
Over the past summer, one of the ME S-STEM scholars, Mr. Troy Baker, worked with Early Charm Ventures, a venture company out of Baltimore. They recently formed a new venture with the Main Line...
Posted: September 8, 2021, 11:06 AM
REU at NCSU -- Mr. Lani McGuire
ME S-STEM scholar, Mr. Lani McGuire, worked at North Carolina State University with the FREEDM Systems Center in the Laboratory for Packaging Research in Electronic Energy Systems (PRESS) this...
Posted: September 8, 2021, 10:04 AM
Annual Retreat to Welcome Scholars Back and Workshop
After a long 18 months staying at home working, faculty and students at UMBC returned to campus for the Fall 2021 semester. The ME S-STEM scholarship program held an annual retreat on September...
Posted: September 3, 2021, 2:20 PM
Summer Internship at Northrop Grumman - Ryan Moxley
This past summer, one of the ME S-STEM scholars, Mr. Ryan Moxley worked at Northrop Grumman Mission Systems in Baltimore. He was a Mechanical Engineering intern within the hardware engineering...
Posted: September 3, 2021, 2:01 PM

Reports of Program Outcomes at the ASEE Annual Meeting
Dr. Zhu attended the 2021 ASEE Annual Conference held virtually via zoom in July 2021. Our paper entitled "Outcomes of the S-STEM Scholarship Program in Our Institution in the Past Three Years",...
Posted: August 18, 2021, 11:04 AM
S-STEM Scholars won a Prize in MAGIC Hackathon Competition
Two ME S-STEM Scholars, Ms. Allison Dietz and Ms. Mikee Ibayan, are members of a student team who presented at MAGIC's autonomous corridor project. The team directed by Dr. Tse Huai Wu, won a...
Posted: June 2, 2021, 1:52 PM

Ms. Bella Gudino's Research Project
ME S-STEM Scholar, Bella Gudino, has been working in Dr. Jeff Leips' laboratory in the Biological Sciences department at UMBC since 2017. Ms Gudino's research project uses drosophila...
Posted: October 16, 2020, 10:18 AM
Talen Energy Internship -- Mr. Michael Parkent
ME S-STEM scholar, Mr. Michael Parkent spent the summer of 2020 with Talen Energy at the H. A. Wagner generating station in Baltimore. Mr. Parkent was assigned to create an inspection/maintenance...
Posted: September 8, 2020, 1:17 PM

Internship at SLAC-NAL -- Mr. A-R Adeleke
In the summer of 2020, one of our ME S-STEM scholars, Mr. Abdul-Raheem Adeleke had an unusual internship (online) with the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory formally known as the Stanford...
Posted: September 4, 2020, 2:18 PM

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